“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Time and Destiny – Do give a thought

Time and Destiny Do give a thought

Everyone knows the value of time in regard of work. But in life, time also plays a role along with destiny. Or you can very well say it’s the time which takes us towards destiny.

Don’t feel that I am refraining from the work and making a statement just for the sake of writing. A psychologist, astrologist or palmist or a scientist can take it other way or will try to convince me with the facts and proofs as per their knowledge and experience. Sometimes coincidences make an impact in one’s thought and one starts believing….. That’s human nature.

How time plays a role and one starts believing in destiny, let me give you few examples in sort which I had experienced in my life.

1.   In a year 1987, we planned to go for a interview in Mumbai, so I was given the job of purchasing Rajdhani ticket [Delhi to Mumbai] as I was on after noon shift. When I came out, I took auto to go Jantar Mantar to catch the bus as it was getting late so.  I was thinking how to reach office in time and just changed my mind to catch the bus from ITO as there was another bus which I could catch. I asked the auto driver to take me ITO, he refused and parked the auto in front of statement office, saying he won’t go there. I have to accept his decision and agreed to go Jantar Mantar as I wanted to be in office in time. As we were proceeding to take a turn for Jantar Mantar, sudden break by an ambassador car at signal and autowala hit the car… he got serious injuries……. [What if he could have gone to ITO as per my request…. But the time and place was scheduled for both of us… do give a thought. ]

2.   I got the opportunity once to go for an interview and the time was set at 6 pm in Dubai for it. I left for Dubai from Abu Dhabi by bus and reached well in time before the scheduled time. But the concerned person was not available. During those days only land telephone and pager was in existence for common people to communicate. So I could not meet him in time. Meanwhile, I thought of meeting my brother and later we went together for the place of interview. After that we had dinner along with our cousin brother and then it was time for me to leave for Abu Dhabi. They insisted that I should stay overnight there and leave in morning with my cousin brother as he was supposed to go Abu Dhabi next morning for his work. But I did not agree.  My cousin brother then said,”ok I will also come with you now”. So we started at night and …. We met with an accident. The car was damaged heavily and we survived with minor injuries [I could have stayed there and could have saves this accident to happen or I could have met the concern person at scheduled time and left earlier…… do give a thought.]

3.   Once I have an appointment for servicing the equipment in Sharjah at 10 am, so I was supposed to leave Abu Dhabi at 8.30am but I got a call that someone is visiting me in office and stayed back for a while and then left for Sharjah around 9.30am. when I was crossing the Dubai air port, I just saw in rare mirror some falling down from  motorcycle … I stopped the car and surprised to see  that he hit side of my car only, I did not know as I was in speed of 120 km/hr[within limit] but he tried to go other side from behind and hit and got injuries…….[ again if I would have left Abu Dhabi earlier at scheduled time….. his time [motorcyclist] would have been different then me …. do give a thought.]

There are many incidents which I can narrate here but thought of just sharing these.

Now, just think how time delayed these incidents to happen. In all incidents there was nothing this sort of in my mind that it will happen or due to this and that or I will meet such accidents. But time was just pushing me to be in that particular place and time to happen.

It’s not that I don’t value time, it’s not that I depend on time to give me result without working or its not that I don’t believe in hard work but I strongly believe in destiny even it might play a .1% role in the end result. There are many people who do not have foot or hand but they have shown enough courage to fight against all the odds and live a life which inspires people to motivate for hard work, aim and positive thought. But how many do so? The attitude, thinking and a will to look forward – all these things changes because destiny brings the change - positive or negative.

My aim is not to distract you from your aim, work or relation. It is not an advice for you to wait for time/result without doing anything but just to share my experience and views on time factor and importance in life. Neither we can hold nor can we change the time. But we can very well do our work sincerely possibly 100% efforts with honesty. It applies in all aspects of life [work, study relation], good or bad, accept the results as your destiny…… 

Pratibimba Barthwal 

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